Are you addicted to love? Have you settled for an unhealthy relationship even though you know better? Do you hop from one unhealthy relationship to another? You might be a love junkie.
As tempted as I am to do my own “love junkie” rendition of Jeff Foxworthy’s humorous slur, You Might be a Redneck, I’ll resist. At least for now…
I’m trying to be serious.
Love junkies are women who are addicted to unhealthy relationships. They often choose the same type of man over and over again, all the while knowing these men are wrong for them. They are not lacking in head knowledge about the unhealthy nature of their relationships, yet they are somehow unable to say no. Compelled by an invisible magnet drawing them back to the same familiar pain, they allow these repeat offenders to take advantage of their emotions and their bodies, they allow them to manipulate them and take advantage of their generous and often times, overly-responsible natures.
Sometimes, love junkies even go as far as to permit men to bleed them dry financially while they hold down a job, take care of the children, manage the household, pay the bills, drive the kids to their dance lessons, soccer games, school activities, dentist and doctor appointments, repair the fence and the car, call the repairman for this, that and the other, bandage the kids and the dog, do the laundry and grocery shopping. Whew, I’m getting tired just making this list. They allow men to belittle them and emotionally abuse them. They settle for less than what they desire.
Love junkies understand and even acknowledge that these men are wrong for them, but instead of walking away, they justify and minimize their behavior in order to excuse and validate the chaos.
They trade sex for affection.
They jump through hoops for approval.
They wear themselves thin for affirmation.
Affection, approval, and affirmation are legitimate needs. You deserve to have a healthy relationship and marriage with a man who is healthy enough in his soul to provide these. You may have given up hope, but I promise you…there is a perfect man out there just for you and I’d love to introduce you to him.
He’s not on eHarmony, or Facebook, but I can hook you up. He always answers when you call and he is a great listener. He never ceases to work and will supply all your needs. He’ll never reject you or break your heart. He cares about your every need. He is full of passion and wonder and he’ll never leave you or disappoint you.
His name is Jesus. You’ve probably heard about Jesus before—he does have a way of getting around. But “knowing about” him is not the same as knowing him. Knowing about Jesus is like having a virtual friendship with someone online you’ve never met in person, but Jesus is looking for a serious and intimate personal relationship. I can promise you one thing: A relationship with him won’t disappoint you. If you’ve never been personally introduced to Jesus before, allow me the honor.
Meeting Jesus is easy. You don’t have to fix your hair or get a new outfit. Women have met him at their worst. He doesn’t care if you have black rivers of mascara running down your face or snot dripping down your nose. He doesn’t care about your past, what you’ve done or how you look. You don’t have to lose ten pounds to impress him. I promise he will love you just as you are. He can’t see your faults. In fact, he already thinks you’re perfect and he’s fallen madly in love with you. He’s been waiting for you all of your life. He is love and his love endures forever.
All you have to do is invite him into your heart. Sound too good to be true? The Bible says in Romans 10:13, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Why is a relationship with Christ so important? First, the Bible says that eternal life can only be found through him. (John 3:3) Secondly, a relationship with a human being will always be incomplete unless your heart has been surrendered to a heavenly being. Jesus is the only man who can legitimately provide the affection, approval and affirmation you are looking for.
You see, if you ever do find and capture the illusive Mr. Wonderful, no matter how wonderful he is, he is not perfect. Eventually, Mr. Wonderful will disappoint you. But Jesus is both wonderful and perfect.
Jesus healed this love-junkie’s heart. Would you like him to heal yours? I guarantee you’ll never be the same again. He’ll forgive your past and make you into a new creation. He’ll wipe away the hurt and pain and give you a brand new life. If you want to spend eternity with the perfect man, invite Jesus to invade your heart. He won’t turn you down. All you have to do is ask. I’ll even give you the words. Just say this prayer:
Dear Jesus, I admit I’ve tried to manage my life on my own and it’s gotten me nowhere. I want to surrender my life to you. Please come into my heart. Forgive me of all of my sins and shortcomings. Empower me with your love and grace. Wipe away my past and make my life brand new. Thank you for loving me and saving me. I’m ready to begin my life with you. Please heal my hurts and take away my sorrow. Show me your ways. Illuminate my path. I trust that you have good plans for me. It’s in your name, the powerful name of Jesus, that I pray. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer for the first time or prayed it again to recommit your life to him, please post or click here and let me know. I’d love to rejoice with you and give you a personal word of encouragement to begin your new life with him!