Whenever I speak at a conference or retreat, I’m only there for a day or two, but my deepest desire is that women remember what the Lord said to them. I’m just the mouthpiece, but He is the One who SPEAKS. I use a lot of visuals to reinforce what I’m teaching and to give women an opportunity for a personal encounter with the Lord. And my favorite part is altar ministry where women respond in a more intimate way to the message. Below is a recap of Beautifully Broken, a conference I did at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Midland, Texas.
You’ll see women exchanging the sand of adversity for a pearl of beauty…because God always transforms our problems into a promise. It’s a time factored into my talk to allow them to reflect and release and reconnect with their Savior.
You’ll see women holding signs: Rejoice, Suffering, Perseverance, Character, Hope Disappoint. Helping them learn deeper truths about Roman’s 5:3. Impregnating their souls with TRUTH.
You’ll see women responding to the message during the altar call. They leave changed and full of hope and vision. Not because of me. But because everyone who helps plan a conference is part of a team that creates an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move.
Like I said, I’m just the mouthpiece.
Here are the highlights of my favorite talks. I’m most passionate about helping women life soul-healthy lives and see the beauty beyond the issues of life.
Need more info to help your team decide? Email me at christy@christyjohnson.org. Tell me a bit about your event and request my Speaker’s Packet.
Repurposed….The Beauty Beyond the Pain
Seeing the beauty beyond life’s drama and trauma hasn’t always come naturally to Christy. Running from the dysfunctional and alcoholic home that she grew up in, Christy was drawn right back into unhealthy and abusive relationships in her adulthood. Her captivating testimony about how she overcame the issues in her life including the loss of her two-year old son in a tragic car wreck will inspire you to look beyond your own personal pain.
Rehab for Love Junkies
We all have a God-given need for love and approval, but when we don’t allow Christ to meet this need we naturally gravitate toward false comforts to satisfy our longings. Whether women are single or married, Christy will detail 7 steps for soul-healthy relationships that will empower women to:
- Quit looking to their relationships or marriage or desire for a relationship or marriage as their source of happiness
- Recognize toxic behaviors that keep them bound to unhealthy relationships
- Ditch the standards of the world and embrace God’s standards for healthy relationships
- Change their habits and heal their soul
Highlighting principles from her book, Love Junkies, Christy covers seven steps necessary to maintain a healthy soul and healthy relationships. This topic can be illustrated with Christy’s knock-off Louis Vuitton baggage packed with several items Christy uses to help listeners understand the difference between knock-off Christian look-alike habits and the real deal. It can also be broken up into several sessions where each step is discussed in detail.Based on the acronym IF-I-PRAY the seven steps are identity, forgiveness, imagination, prayer, resolve, accountability and yes
Tissues for Your Issues, Learning How to Forgive When Life Hurts
What’s the name of your pain? Is it your X or Y me? When dysfunctional relationships and issues threaten our joy, we often run straight into the arms of pain. Let’s face it—forgiveness does not come naturally but bitterness is contagious. Thankfully, there is a secret place where you can be free of life’s issues. Learn how to ditch the drama and walk in forgiveness.
A Door of Hope
Adversity has a purpose—it can either make or break us. God intends adversity for our good, but so often we resist. Without tribulation to perfect us, we cannot develop patience, character, and hope. Based on the devastating story of Achan from Joshua chapter 6-7, Christy reveals scriptures that prove our failures don’t have to be fatal. Discover the hope and healing that comes from a new beginning.
Shaking the Blame Game
Blaming dates way back to the garden when Adam pointed the finger at Eve. Eve responded in kind, pointing her freshly manicured nail right back at the devil—scripture’s first account of the ugly blame triangle. So really, it’s not our fault that we’ve all inherited this biological predisposition to blame! Or is it? In this message, women will learn how shake off the modern day crutches of blame that hinder their walk by learning how to forsake wrong attitudes, change their perspective of their circumstances and walk in a new direction, free of blame.
Help, I’ve Lost My Joy and I Can’t Get Up
Christy JohnsonWe’ve all had times where we’ve felt empty and discouraged. The issues of life surround us constantly. What do we do when we lost our joy? Based on the story of the Widow’s Oil in 2 King’s chapter 4, Christy relates the lack and loss of this widow to the modern day struggles of women everywhere. Just like the widow was instructed to take the nothing she had and offer it up to God, Christy will challenge you to pour out your oil. You will be encouraged as you realize that as the widow gave up the nothing she had, it became the very thing that sustained her.
The Prodigal Daughter
Ok, we’ve all heard the story. The prodigal son was guilty of living a wild lifestyle filled with drinking and promiscuity. If drinking and sex were the only things that qualified as wild living, however, the rest of us could dismiss one of the most powerful stories of love in the Bible. Prodigal simply means extravagant wastefulness. Even when we turn our back on God or indulge in reckless living, our heavenly father is always waiting for our return. He longs to prepare a feast for us and put a ring on our finger. Based on the greatest love story in the Bible, Christy will explore how women today can abandon their own forms of extravagant waste and embrace all that the Father has to give them.
Leaving Egypt
What does Egypt mean to you? Egypt is a place of temporary comfort and familiarity, but Egypt is always bondage In this powerful message, Christy discusses the pattern of bondage and the vicious cycle of captivity along with the reasons many of us stay in bondage. Outlining scriptures that promise restoration, Christy will detail how we can cling to hope and leave our place of captivity.
Wearing Your Crown
Fashion is everywhere. With all the pressures to look glamorous and the constant changes designers strategically implement to make drain our pocketbook, it’s hard to keep up unless you are a Hollywood icon. We spend so much time focusing on our outer appearance, but did you know that we have a spiritual wardrobe too? God has beauty for ashes, a crown of splendor and garments of praise that he longs to dress us in. Find out how to be beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.
Vain and Sane Imaginations
Our imaginations are powerful. The things we ponder in our mind dictate our feelings and predict our future actions. Based on 2 Corinthians 10:5, Christy will detail how to take captive vain imaginations and replace them with sane and godly thoughts that will give hope for the future.
Looking for Love in All the Wrong Faces
In her straightforward disclosure about her past relationship addiction, Christy details how society has allowed women to fall into the identity trap—having men validate our worth, an act only Christ can do. In a society that encourages physical intimacy and the abandonment of Godly principles, the rules have replaced the truth. Whether you are married or single, Christy’s honest transparency about the issues she has dealt with will leave you encouraged and filled with wisdom.
The New Rules—the Truth About Dating
In a culture with shifting sexual boundaries and faltering family foundations, singles need to know the standards for today’s successful relationships. Both divorced after ten-year marriages, Christy and her soon-to-be soul mate John, found themselves thrust into a world where computer introductions replaced social interactions. In their humorous account of their first date at a local ice rink and how God began to knit their hearts together, you will learn candid instruction vital for singles today.